Congrats again, Harrison, for your mission call!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!! Ecuador won't be able to handle Elder Oyler, they'd better get ready! :)
We got to do a temple session this morning :) Hence, our P-day is on Wednesday. This week has been GREAT! I wish I had time to tell about everything. Ahh.
But I will tell you about the storm that hit.. Haha of course :)
There was one evening we were walking between appointments when it started to drizzle a bit...so we got out our umbrellas...it started to pick up pretty quickly....and then...BOOM!!!!!
A huge clap of thunder right over our heads with a clap of lightning, and it was POURING buckets of rain!!!!!!!!!! HAHA! Okay, buckets is an understatement, it was pouring...SWIMMING POOLS, of rain!! Ha, it was honestly the heaviest rain I have ever seen in my life!! Our umbrellas were useless, even though we were using them, we were drenched from head to toe within a minute!!! I'm not even kidding! And then the road started flooding. It was literally that fast. Within 10 minutes, we were wading through floodwater up to our knees!! I'm not exaggerating!
Haha I felt so bad for my poor anak. She was almost close to tears with the huge claps of thunder and striking lightning. And I was just giggling with excitement!! Haha I know you can imagine it. :) Yep, Sister Oyler was grinning from ear to ear as we were trying to "run" through the water, literally in WAVES flooding through the streets. We were both screaming...but I think we were both experiencing opposite emotions. Hahaha.
Although, we did get to one point, where the water was suddenly filled with hundreds of IPIS!!! (cockroaches) coming from the sewer.....yeah then I was close to crying too. The water is pretty nasty though. Deep black, with a bajillion who knows what diseases floating in it. (There are open sewers here...I'll just leave it at that).
ALL IN ALL, it was one of the funnest experiences :) We finally made it to the bigger main street and caught a jeepney and made it to our next appointment which was miraculously an appointment at the Bishop's house. Haha they helped us dry off and clean up. :) Haha but my anak told me she was glad I was just laughing the whole time, or she probably would have had a panic attack! Poor thing.
Ah, so there was a brown out earlier in the computer shop while we were emailing. Good thing this email saved, we just hopped back on to just send these emails. So, I've got to go!! I have no more time. But I just wanted to share a quick message with you all:
How true this is!! I encourage everyone reading this right now to look and find one way right now that you can make somebody happy. Just do it :)
MAHAL KO KAYO!! Have a great week, everyone!
Sister Oyler
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