joke lang. I'm still in the Philippines. I'm just getting tired of saying KAMUSTA haha.
How is everyone this week?! I'm hearing that General Conference was amazing! I am so excited to hear it this weekend!! This past Saturday, we watched the General Women's Session and that was something that I needed. I love this Church. It is truly His Church.
I was so proud this Sunday as well!! Timboy received the priesthood and passed the Sacrament. He also got sustained as Deacon's 1st Counselor!! And Hanna got sustained as well as Beehive President! Ahhh I was beaming, I was so happy for them. They are just amazing, amazing kids.
As for us, this week has been great. Just so completely exhausting. I honestly don't know how my feet keep moving one in front of the other. I have never felt so physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained as I do at this point in my life and at this point in my mission. But it's honestly a quiet miracle for me just to see the divine strength I receive to keep going.
I wish I had more time to write, but we've got to go.
I do want to close though with a quote that I really really like. This was said by Theodore Roosevelt:
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Remember that you are strong. Keep on keeping on :) I know sometimes, it gets difficult. Really hard sometimes. And nobody around you will understand it to the depth you do. We are all in the same game, just different levels; dealing with the same hell, just different devils. But beneath it all, I know our Savior is at your side. He is closer than you might realize.
Keep going forward. Don't fear the world. We each have inside us the potential to become like our Father in Heaven. With this knowledge in our hearts and Him on our side, we can accomplish miraculous things.
I just thought of a quote by C.S. Lewis that I heard once that really like...but I forgot all of it. But there is also this one that I can leave you all to ponder with. Maybe I can get the other one to you next week.
"The command Be ye perfect is not idealistic gas. Nor is it a command to do the impossible. He is going to make us into creatures that can obey that command. He said that we were ‘gods’ and He is going to make good His words. If we let Him—for we can prevent Him, if we choose—He will make the feeblest and filthiest of us into a god or goddess, a dazzling, radiant, immortal creature, pulsating all through with such energy and joy and wisdom and love as we cannot now imagine, a bright stainless mirror which reflects back to God perfectly (though, of course, on a smaller scale) His own boundless power and delight and goodness. The process will be long and in parts very painful, but that is what we are in for. Nothing less. He meant what He said."
Sister Oyler
(Pictures from last week)
P-day river break :)
Woops! I crouched down and my skirt decided to take a little dip.....
Sister Andrada is crying :( She doesn't want to transfer....
It's always a long day at transfer point.
Timboy graduated!
Little Simon did too!
Smart kid :)
Alimango, pagong, pusit
Oh dear.....
Did you know about the thing inside the thing inside the coconut?
I didn't . It's pretty good. :)
My "new companion" for the week!
Liza Ann and her kids :)
(This week's pictures)
We found another monkey while I was on exchanges with Sister Milsom!
Easter egg hunt!
I won!! :) "Your husband will be handsome, nice, worthy, RM, talented." Wow, pretty sweet prize :)
We made cookies in the toaster!
Our dinner: cookies and hotdogs Haha...this is so sad.
Mango float :)
Sister Panis
Sooo tired....allll the time.
This is my new bed. In the kitchen. But for the first time in, like, 3 months, I have actually slept the whole night! No bed bugs here. :)
Good morning :)
Temple day!
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